In the city . Minsk ( Belarus) from 23 to 27 May 2016 Belarusian State University. OD Sakharov coordination meeting held in the framework of the EU program of the European Commission TEMPUS IV " EkoBRU " 543707 -TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHESTEMPUSIV
Травнева зустріч консорціуму ЕкоБРУ.
10-11 травня 2016 року на базі ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника» відбулася Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Екологічні засади збалансованого регіонального розвитку» за напрямами:

A meeting on TEMPUS project “Ecological education for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine” in Bremen (Germany) on 30.11.-04.12.2014.To pursue the action plan, provided by international project "Ecological Education for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine" funded by the European Commission, a meeting >>
More than 50 representatives of higher educational institutions and research establishments of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, and also representatives of universities and scientific institutions of Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Latvia participated in a seminar.>>
On implementation of the plan of measures which are provided by the international project "Ecological Education in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine" which is financed by means of the European commission on Z0 of November till December 4, 2014 in m Bremen (Germany) the working meeting and a seminar "The substantial specification of shortage of qualification on target groups (teachers higher educational and and professional institutions, teachers of comprehensive schools)" took place>>
From June 28 to July 4, 2014 St. Petersburg State Transport University (Russia) hosted the International Workshop in the framework of European educational project «TEMPUS EcoBRU». The main task of the workshop was to determine the subject areas of distance learning courses of environmental education and individual target groups of school teachers and vocational school teachers. It was done on the basis of the discussed results of an initial survey carried out to identify problems and specification of qualification requirements. >>

Workshop in Bremen. In today's world, international cooperation is the basis for sustainable economic growth, imbalances and deficiencies overcoming, improving the quality of life, technology and knowledge innovation, environmental protection. Countries cooperate to find collective solutions and mechanisms aimed at overcoming common problems and achieving common goals within formal and informal institutions at regional and global levels.>>
