Встреча в Минске

coordination meeting in Republic of Belarus
within project ”EcoBRU“
program of European Commission TEMPUS IV
”Ecological education for Belarus, Russian and Ukraine“>>


In the city. Minsk (Belarus) from 23 to 27 May 2016 Belarusian State University. OD Sakharov coordination meeting held in the framework of the EU program of the European Commission TEMPUS IV "EkoBRU" 543707-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHESTEMPUSIV

As part of the coordination meeting scheduled exchange of experience between the participating countries on the development of environmental competence in various fields of education and business reports of the project on distance learning courses of ecological competence school teachers and teachers of vocational and higher education.



  1. 160519 Regenerative Energien
  2. A-LC-STUDIES-ppt
  3. CDV_Noise_AirPollution_modelling
  4. DS_NEW
  5. Presentation_CDV_main_activities
  6. ECOBru_23. Mai 2016_ Lernziele_E.Bender_DE_RU_final


  1. LSTU-Minsk0516
  2. SartakovaE_EcoBRU
  3. minsk
  4. pgups
  5. niro
  6. rgcu
  7. results
  8. rgsu2


  1. gsu
  2. NIHE_EcoBRU_24.05.2016
  3. VSTU_2016_TEMPUS
  4. cource mgei
  5. presentation uo bgsha 2016
  6. presentation2
  7. ripo_minsk
  8. monitoring
  9. radiobiology


  1. 24.05_NTU(Kyiv)_Minsk (eng)
  2. IVET_Minsk_eng
  3. PHDPU